Trusted Chabad Management

Announcing the launch of CMS Cloud, where you have access to your Chabad Management System anywhere and on any device or smartphone. If you would like to try out the system using a demo account, please click here to get started.

about us / our history

The Chabad Management System (a.k.a. CMS) has been formed with the purpose of providing Chabad mosdos with effective management tools, enabling them to manage their mosdos in the most efficient and productive manner.

Whether it was Contact Management or Donations and Pledges, Hebrew School or Camper enrollments, Event Reservations or Yahrtzeit tracking, Reminders and follow ups and more, CMS provides the framework of organizing and storing this vital information in a database and enabling the Shliach to generate powerful reports based on this information.

For the last 20 years, CMS Classic has been providing these vital services to Shluchim around the world.

CMS Cloud takes this to a new level, by moving the system to the web. Now you can have access to your CMS anywhere and on any device and smartphone.

While rich features were being added for integrating with various online services such as Google, Online Forms and MailChimp, it became apparent that the limitation of having the system installed on a computer (even on a network) was increasingly limiting.

Shluchim today expect access to their data anywhere and at any time, over the web. The natural progression of the System was to move it to the Cloud, enabling the Shliach to have access to it from any computer or device. Mobile apps for Android and Apple will give the user access to view and update their data on the go.

Take a look at our features

This is just the beginning. There is so much more to come*...

Contact Management

Keep track of contacts, addresses, emails, and contact numbers

  • Multiple addresses and companies per contact
  • Categories and Subcategories (multiple levels) can be used to categorize your master list
  • You set up your Categories that you need
  • Define custom multi-select (drop-down) fields for Affiliation, Priority, Source and more
  • Generate Mailings (labels, envelopes), lists, bulk and personalized emails, mail merges, and more - based on criteria you choose
  • Other family members and children

Donations and Pledges

Detailed tracking of contributions and pledges

  • Keep track of donations or other income
  • User-defined Categories and Subcategories
  • Bring up any Family and instantly see their giving (and pledge) history along with summary information
  • Payments can be split and applied to multiple bills/pledges.

Automatic Thank-you Letters

Simplify this process by automating the generating of letters and receipts

  • Easily set up and generate pledge or thank-you letters
  • Letters can be sent by email, or in traditional methods (post mail)
  • Letters can be generated individually or in batches
  • Track which letters were sent and which are pending
  • Use Microsoft Word for your letters for rich formatting features, or the built-in letter-writer for simplicity

Credit Cards Processing

Integrate Merchant Processing with CMS, making your system a virtual terminal

  • Instantly charge a credit card when entering a payment
  • Set up recurring charges for monthly donations or tuition
  • Cardholder information is saved in your account
  • System is fully PCI compliant as no card information is saved in the database at all

Complete Billing and Statements

Simplify the collection process by easily tracking who owes you money for pledges made and services provided

  • Automatically generate invoices and statements for various user-defined categories such as Events, Tuition, Pledges and more
  • Billing can also be used for Judaica items that you sell such as matza, lulav, tefillin, etc
  • You can set up your categories, subcategories and item prices as needed
  • Invoices and Statements can be emailed along with a link to pay online
  • Payments made online are automatically entered and applied to the bill

Flexible and Powerful Reports

From a simple reports of Contacts to more complex reports such as who donated last year but not yet this year,
these reports will give you the information that you need when you need it

  • So easy to create, yet so powerful
  • Save reports for future use
  • Export to a wide variety of formats such as Excel, PDF or Word
  • Reports are formatted in a neat concise way so that they are easy to read and pleasant to the eye

Track Occasions with Hebrew Dates

Do you know whose Yahrtzeit is coming up this month?
With Occasion tracking, you can instantly have a report of the upcoming important Hebrew dates and when they fall out this year.

  • Enter and Track Birthdays and Anniversaries
  • Set reminders for important occasions
  • Automatic emails and SMS reminders to remind people of their upcoming occasion
  • Generate Reports for upcoming dates
  • Hebrew Date Converter
  • You can even print letters and card for Yahrtzeits

Integration with Other Applications

The power of any application is when it communicates with outside services and leverages them to your benefit

  • Google Contact integration allows your database to be in sync with your contacts in your Google account
  • Generate letters and more using Microsoft Word for rich formatting options
  • Social Media connections for Facebook, Twitter and more
  • Quickbooks integration, so you Never Enter Data Twice (NED2)
  • Instantly send reports to Excel for additional analysis
  • Connect with OneCallNow for phone-tree robo calls
  • Instantly update your Mailing List with changes from the National Change of Address (NCOA) database using TechMailing Integration
*All features may not be available. Login to to see current release and features available.

Feature Comparison

Features / Plan CMS ClassicCMS Cloud BasicCMS Cloud Full
Mobile Accessible
Mobile Accessible
Individual Members
Multiple Addresses
Unlimited Emails and Phones
Google Contact Integration
Programs / Categories
Programs / Categories
Manage Programs
Thank you Letters
Credit Card Processing
Credit Card Processing Integration
Payrix Integration
Recurring Charges
Unattended Processing Option
Online Forms Integration
Online Forms Integration
Mail Chimp Integration
Mail Chimp Integration
Contact Reports
Transaction Reports
Yarhtzeit Reports
Birthday Reports
Anniversary Reports
Unattended Yahrtzeit Notices Option
Optional CMS Classic Modules
Banquet Module
Quickbooks Integration
Gift Module
Camp/School Module
Friendship Circle Module
Adult Education Module
Gift Aid Module
Communicator Integration
NCOA Address Updates
Microsoft Word Integration
Multiple Users
Permission Levels
*Please note that this is not an complete list of all features and it doesn't cover many of the feature details.
If you are upgraing from CMS Classic to CMS Cloud and you have any specific questions about how/if a feature work in CMS Cloud, please be sure to contact us with any question you have prior to upgrading. Login to to see for yourself.




Feel free to contact us

Whether you have a general question about the program
or if you need help with using it, we're here to help

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